Monatsarchive: März 2015


I have to say, my company id card pictures are epic awesome

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You can guess, what plate is for me and what is for mademoiselles class friends. .

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Just some doodle

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Twin Peaks

Floriel .. you still hate me for Stealth, I guess.. There is no other reason, why you would have mentioned Twin Peaks to me. This TV Series is horrible and garstly bad! One of the worst pieces of TV. Bad … Weiterlesen

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Spongebob Bass Pants

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Ankh Gedeck

Good beer and a horribly cheap whisky. Sir Vimes would approve

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Poem for Terry Pratchett

The sun goes down upon the Ankh, And slowly, softly fades – Across the Drum; the Royal Bank; The River-Gate; the Shades. A stony circle’s closed to elves; And here, where lines are blurred, Between the stacks of books on … Weiterlesen

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Terry Pratchett

Sad news on such a happy day for me. Sir Terry Pratchett is dead. That really got me. He was the one, who did understand my teenager self. He kept writing faster than I could read. Fantastic stories with great … Weiterlesen

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Mademoiselle thought it would be a good idea, to have a walk in the sun. 17°C Summer is coming

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