Monatsarchive: August 2017

Birra Moretti 

From Italy was this brought to me by my German Japanese friends.  Well, it is beer and I accepted it. So better drink it:))  Good and sweet. Not bitter. Beer to my taste!  Cheers and thanks for the beer:))) 

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Bitcoin Wallet

Recently my mind crossed the bitcoin stream again. I was playing with wallets and mining and such.  Until I remembered, I have somewhere an old btc wallet.  Looking through TB of old hard drives, until I found on my old … Weiterlesen

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Alpha todos 

This is my current feature list, of not yet implemented things: Achievement pictures Daily / weekly ranking report users message to users settings / profile separation localization / translation REST Api for android app Website userfriendly Android app / Kivy … Weiterlesen

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Nah- und Fernverkehr 

Our daughter started playing train with her animals. „Chu chu“  But she knows the German train system all too well.  Because now she is playing: „Warten..“  Animals waiting for the train.. That is never arriving:))) 

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We are on the TGV on route to Lyon. Where I had this awesome TV / YouTube idea.  Food on trains.  As you can see I had a „Maxi Burger Cheddar“, which consistet only of burger bread, minced meat and … Weiterlesen

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It is so cold here.. We need to scratch ice from the windshield. Carry a gun against the polar bears. Be on constant watch for deadly penguins. Any second another ice blizzard can hit us.  I guess you get it, … Weiterlesen

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Lager Hell

Wow..  What an awesome beer.  This one is extremely süffig 🙂  I just love it Brauerei Clemens Härle Leutkirch

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Whisky und Tee

The good thing about tea is that you can drink it at work. The good thing about whisky is that it looks like tea

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Alphatester Gesucht

My latest web app is in a very stable alpha release. Time to hit the ground running! If anyone is interested in a fun project, just let me know. Here is a list of things, that are not yet implemented … Weiterlesen

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Maul und Klauen Seuche

And we have the next disease on our hands. Mademoiselle has hand foot mouth or so. She needs to stay away from other kids, which is very hard on her. Question is, where did she get it? Answer to that … Weiterlesen

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