Monatsarchive: September 2015

Nina Rozenn

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So, we watched this movie. The first half of it is really awesome. Finally a movie, where the future looks bright and shiny. Utopian SciFi again! Just to tumble into the darkness bad. We need more positiv stories on … Weiterlesen

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Whisky und Karamalz

Trying out new things: Whisky und combination with malt beer.. Or as it is called here: Kinderbier Weird taste..but funny. All together I would call it Kinderwhisky. 🙂

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Gentoo Raspberry Pi 0.5

My blog is running on current software..again. But major Raspberry Pi news: It is now running on Gentoo. But still lot to do, forgot the login..:)) Why is this a big thing? Well, I only have Gentoo on my VirtualBox … Weiterlesen

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We are more ready with every day;) Now we even have a safety car baby seat thing. Only thing we are missing is a car:)) Cybex Aton 4 Let’s see, how the color will fit to poo and vomit:)

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Zauberhaft Sterben

Or how would one translate: „Die Magic“ :))))

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That was some unnecessary lecture. I did not learn that much. We did some training and exercises, but explanation why we should do what and when, were rare. 4 hours, which could have been condensed into 1 hour. Next week … Weiterlesen

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Wow! This is good TV! Narcos. The life of Pablo Escobar. If you don’t know him, watch the show. If you know it! I was fascinated from beginning to the end. Nearly binge watched it over the weekend. The … Weiterlesen

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Washing Totoro

Madame did wash Totoro in the washing machine. It looked like the poor guy was constantly running :))

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