Monatsarchive: April 2015

Comments Off

Due to old WP Version, I tried to switch commenting off. Will fix it on the weekend..I hope.. Comments on again

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French Lessons

Yesterday we learned the difference between tour und tour:

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Battlestar Galactica again

Currently mademoiselle is watching Battlestar Galactica. So far she has seen 3 seasons. Yesterday, I was in the kitchen, she rushes in with the laundry : „ATTENTION ON DECK!! … stay as you are!“ I think, she may have seen … Weiterlesen

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Rheingold 2

So, you are a god and want to build a castle. What would your obvious choice be? Yes, contract the giants and promise them another god as reward. But wait, this person you need to stay alive. Really?  None of … Weiterlesen

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Star Wars VII Teaser

I thought my excitement died for Star Wars. Well, this teaser gave me a new hope:

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The Martian

i just had to read this book. This is engineering porn in its best. Mark is stranded on mars. His fellow shipmates have abandoned him. Chances of survival? close to zero. Yeah, but only close to it. This book is … Weiterlesen

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Climbing. .again

So. Last Saturday, 2Fast4 and me went climbing. .. This is a quick sketch, how it went.. I couldn’t draw for days, because of muscle pain;)

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I started listening to Wagner „Der Ring der Nibelungen“. Alberich gets rejected by Rheintöchter

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Hunting food. .my basic occupation during easter.;) Less running of course :))

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Japan Food

Here a gallery, why one can gain lots of weight in Japan:

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