Monatsarchive: November 2016


That took my a while.. I just finished Postwar from Tony Judt. What a ride through the history of Europe post 1945. Starting from „Stunde Null“, VE day, up to 2005, he covers every aspect of politics and life here … Weiterlesen

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Valerian and the City of a Thousand Planets Official Teaser Trailer

Goosebumps .. wow ..

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Wow.. m (

This is quite a shock.   Brexit all over again. I would never have guessed that so many Americans are that gullible.  But we have to move on. Let’s see how he handles that first term. On the other hand. … Weiterlesen

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First bottle at 6.. Breakfast at 7:30.. Second breakfast at 9.. Lunch at 11:30.. afternoon snack at 14:30.. Our daughter is a hobbit

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