Archiv der Kategorie: Initializing /dev/chaos

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Harry Potter and the Philosophers Stone

Every evening on a walk with K2. 4km /2h each tour. K2 is fine and a sleep after 10 minutes of crying. What to do now? He needs constant movement. I am listening to audio books. Started with Harry Potter … Weiterlesen

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Lego Helmet

Look at that, I got a Lego helmet, that is not broken…

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Geburt und SARS-CoV-2

Wir, Mama Papa und K1(4.5 Jahre), erwarteten unseren Nachwuchs für die Ostertage 2020.Deshalb hatten wir folgenden Plan gefasst:– Setzen die Wehen ein, kommt K1 zu ihrem besten Freund und darf dort übernachten,bzw. dessen Mutter wäre schnell vorbeigekommen und hätte bei … Weiterlesen

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Quarantine Readingtime

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Home office

Due to Corona virus, I have to stay in home office. I was born for this! Sadly I am now used to 2 monitors at work.. And have none home:)) Anyway, the birth is going to be something interesting. 3 … Weiterlesen

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There is no real translation. Highly pregnant you could say. But there is more meaning to Hochschwanger. It is also a state of mind:) And it just does express so well the current situation we are in. Wait for Easter … Weiterlesen

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Keine Plätzchen mehr

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1. Advent

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Once your kid is old enough, a set of dices is needed :))

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Nothing more to add here:))

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