
This is good TV!
The life of Pablo Escobar.

If you don’t know him, watch the show.
If you know it!
I was fascinated from beginning to the end.
Nearly binge watched it over the weekend.
The story is really well told and captures you from the start.
And now I have to read books on Escobar.

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5 Kommentare zu Narcos

  1. jenny sagt:

    Haha, still binge watching.. This will be over when the baby is born 😛
    (Ich hab immer noch nicht die komplette Staffel House if Cards durch)

  2. isnochys sagt:

    I know..everybody is telling me exactly the life will be over when she is here..
    Next thing..Bones

  3. jenny sagt:

    So NOT true, people were telling us the same bullshit. It’s not over, but you have to decide between your life and getting some sleep 😀

  4. floriel sagt:

    Take the life! Who needs sleep. 😀

  5. isnochys sagt:

    One can choose life only if he already has it..

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