
Floriel invited us to an Hangout chat.
This was quite difficult for me.
My Chinese Laptop: driver for webcam is not working.
My mobile phone: small screen, overheating and battery, even usb plugged in, nearly exhausted.
My linux station: Where are my headphones and why is hangout not working?
oh, just install hangout package..
nope, does not work.
ah, better update chrome.
nope, now chrome does not work anymore, after update.

After 1 hour, some quite funny system upgrades and moving from 2.6 to 3.2 Linux kernel:
But hey, guys, where are you?

Dieser Beitrag wurde unter Initializing /dev/chaos veröffentlicht. Setze ein Lesezeichen auf den Permalink.

2 Kommentare zu Hangout

  1. floriel sagt:

    You don’t have to thank me, that your kernel is update now. I am looking forward to the next session. Just in case perhaps you should prepare a few icepacks for your mobile phone. 🙂

  2. isnochys sagt:

    No, It is working now, I am able to wear the pirate hat!

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