Currently I am in a pre Alpha release state.
What is working, new features:
Duplicate Pictures – I do not know why, yet, but some pictures did get different md5sum, while being the exact copy of each other. Imagehash scans those pictures again and looks for duplicates. will be shown on page at the bottom. (Fun Fact, imagehash installation did overheat my orangePi all the time, has to be done on another machine:()
Plain HTML – DB access on small Servers is very slow. As this is an archive, it is possible just to view the plain html files on http server. Interaction is not really necessary just for browsing the archive.
Foto Album – Set start and end date for Events, you will be able to browse all pictures on one page.
JS Gallery – pictures will be presented now in a op up for faster scrolling
Installation/Setup routine – currently the installation of a new archive is a pain. Lots of shell commands and editing to be done by hand. (Not really high priority, as this is only installed on my own server at home and my parents place. but for public alpha necessary)
Face detection/recognition – Having some boost and dlib problems, this could take some while.