Evolution => Religion

Eine wissenschaftliche Studie hats bewiesen.
Religion ist ein Nebenprodukt menschlicher Evolution.
Aber das sollte einem denkenden Menschen lange schon klar sein.

The model assumes, in other words, that a small number of people have a genetic predisposition to communicate unverifiable information to others. They passed on that trait to their children, but they also interacted with people who didn’t spread unreal information.


Sosis previously found that in some populations – kibbutzim in Israel, for instance – more religious people receive more assistance from others than the less faithful. But he notes that the forces that maintain religion in modern humans could be very different from those that promoted its emergence, thousands of years ago.

Palaeolithic humans were probably far more reliant than modern humans on the community they were born into, Sosis says. „[Now] you can be a Lutheran one week and decide the following week you are going to become a Buddhist.“

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