2Fast4 et al. in Bar

What an evening!
2Fast4 was here, with girlfriend.
and we had a lot to talk..
there were some nice girls..but not interested in me, as usual.
so I had enough time to talk to 2Fast4.. he started his carrer 1 month ago..and is now Manager of..something and shit.
Way to go!
but I am still waiting for my invitation.
for the next party at their home!

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5 Kommentare zu 2Fast4 et al. in Bar

  1. 2Fast4 sagt:

    🙂 Q. was impressed by the Bar, I guess we’ll seek an audience with you there again. For the invitation we’re still not sure which WE, but I guess end of august.

  2. isnochys sagt:

    Just open a facebook group and let me know it;)

  3. floriel sagt:

    forget this forsaken facebook stuff. let’s do the weekend planing here. this way it is more private then at facebook.

    2fast4 i hope i get also an invitation to the house warming party :-).

    Did QF stiff has the flat in bamberg? last weekend when i was in FJ again, i was thinking again…oh bamberg oh bamberg… what a nice place at the entrance to Eden.

  4. isnochys sagt:

    I don’t want privacy!

    and get a job, hippie!

  5. 2Fast4 sagt:

    Well, I’ll send an E-Mail with the new address around but currently we think it’ll happen on the last saturday in August.

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