CSS10: Islay Day 3

What a beautifull day..
sunshine and warm.
Bowmore and Lagavullin.
Wash and whisky.
It is now 18h, and I didn’t have any breakfast.
Only whisky.
Wrote 5 postcards, which no one will be able to read, I was still shaking from the tea..
Yes, Tea..the english one.. 3-4 cups of it, heavier than alcohol on this island.
Bowmore 21yo .. very good
Lagavullin tripple cask .. very good
That seems to be all of today..strange, what did I miss?

Dieser Beitrag wurde unter Commando Scotland Storm 2010 veröffentlicht. Setze ein Lesezeichen auf den Permalink.

Ein Kommentar zu CSS10: Islay Day 3

  1. Kawe sagt:

    Lagavullin is one of my most fav! enjoy!

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