Madame is not thrilled.
The trainer is a weird midwife.
Very alternative and eco.
Has a creepy way of listing to other people. Her voice is almost to low to understand.
There are 16 participants in this training, compared to 8 as it is usual in France.
Trainer was 20 minutes late and closed the session 30 minutes earlier.
Very un German.
She really does not want her to be present at birth.
Seems to be a hell of a course
Braucht ihr eigentlich Zeug? Babywanne mit Gestell, Laufstall, Klamotten? Keine Ahnung was hier noch so ungenutzt rum steht.
Wo wohnt ihr eigentlich?
> Very alternative and eco.
You did not give her „the“ book, to be prepare what to expect of a midwife?
….it is all your fault to let her go there unprepared. 🙂