Camino 2010: Leon – Villar de Mazarife

9. Juli
21,7 km
1 beer ++

I Am Back!
What a glorious feeling.
My first day of my second Camino.
And my first beer on the Caminno.
Nothing has changed. Within my first steps..the pain was back.
Pain everywhere in my feet.
My head is empty.
But beat the time from last Camino, 1 hour short.
What a joyride..but I don’t think, I am able, to keep up that speed.. have to walk slower.
And now..Mahou .. a good beer, drinkable. But what isn’t after such a walk?
Only 1 beer for me, this has to be enough.
This time I am not alone in the room.
[This is, where Alvaro(A) enters the stage]
You can hear here the clattering of the storks.
On the way, under a bridge, there was a graffiti:
„Warum liegt hier eigentlich Stroh?“
[try to google it, if you don’t get it;)]
Last time, I discovered here, that oil is deadly for flies.. but here are so many flies..I don’t think, they used this recipe.
My spanish has to be improved..those spanish people don’t speak any english..couldn’t remember having difficulties the last time..


Here are some impressions:
Cathedral in Leon, Shadow, Way to Villar de Mazarife, Storks, More Storks, View east

Cathedral LeonShadowCaminostorksMore storksview to Astorga

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