Archiv der Kategorie: Camino 2010

Camino 2010: A Review

I hope, you enjoyed this little memory part, just one month apart from its original. For me, it was refreshing and very deep at the same time. I am not this big of a writer..I just tried to put together … Weiterlesen

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Camino 2010: Santiago – Stuttgart

22./23. Juli Thousands km 27.5h 3 beer I am back home! This day started so sad. I had to say goodby to M and H. I little sigh from me, when I walked out of the door.. and continue my.. … Weiterlesen

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Camino 2010: Arca do Pino – Santiago

21. Juli 21 km 12h |||beer SANTIAGO! What a strange feeling. Waking up, I thought everybody had left. But then I saw the family, A,H,M,O and I( try to find their names in my blog:)) ..they were waiting for me! … Weiterlesen

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Camino 2010: Arzúa – Arca do Pino

20. Juli 19.2 km 12h 1/2 beer Heatwave! What a nightmare.. 24km to go..and I break down. This morning I had little breakfast and a light beer and Ibuprofen. But this was to much. I had to sit down, next … Weiterlesen

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Camino 2010: San Xiao do Camino – Arzúa

19. Juli 26 km 12h 2 beer+ Happy Pills! This day will be remembered as Protein and Drugs Day:)) And me being model again.. on the way to Arzua, one woman asked me, if she can take a foto of … Weiterlesen

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Camino 2010: Gonzar – San Xiao do Camino

18. Juli 20.3 km 12h 2 beer+ Today we nearly lost H. She wanted to move one, because her plain leaves Santiago on the 22. After only one week our group grew together as one family. This is amazing. I … Weiterlesen

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Camino 2010: Barbadelo / O Mosteiro – Gonzar

17. Juli 26.4 km 12h 2 beer+ Under 100km left! This day was one of my hardest. The last 8 km were nearly unbearable. My legs did hurt so much, walking was next to impossible. But thanks to H and … Weiterlesen

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Camino 2010: Triacastela – Barbadelo / O Mosteiro

16. Juli 22.6 km 8h 3 beer+++ No, Rain!! There is one lesson I learned today: My poncho is to heavy. Ponchos tend to build their own weather underneath. My tshirt gets wet..and cold. I have to improve this next … Weiterlesen

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Camino 2010: La Faba – Triacastela

15. Juli 26.2 km 9h 5 beer+++ I Have Seen Everything Now… A, M and O stayed in a garage/shelter last La Laguna. They really look tired! 🙂 SO, let’s move on to Galicia! (Pictures) Ines(I) joined us from … Weiterlesen

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Camino 2010: Villafrance del Bierzo – La Faba

14. Juli 23.8 km 9h 4 beer+ A, tu es a cabron! What a morning..what did I do last night? who..when..where..why..what? I..Ican’t even begin…I can’t remember..what? This was one of my hardest mornings. No..didn’t have an hangover.. No Headaches, nothing.. … Weiterlesen

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