Camino 2010: Villafrance del Bierzo – La Faba

14. Juli
23.8 km
4 beer+


A, tu es a cabron!
What a morning..what did I do last night?
I..Ican’t even begin…I can’t remember..what?
This was one of my hardest mornings.
No..didn’t have an hangover..
No Headaches, nothing..
I was just so tired!
Wherever I had the chance, I tried to get some sleep..
In bars, restaurants, fountains, etc.
But why are you making all those jokes about me?
What did I do yesterday?

But again thanks to Holly, I made it up to La exhausted.
And she is making dinner!
On the way, we talked a lot.
And another soul brought to the german side of life
I just love to surprise people, and it is easy as german to impress them;)
Yes, I know some foreign Beatles:))


The way up to La Faba is really hard..and again, Holly pushed me up.
But here in that alberge there are too many germans..real ones.
Always complaining and shit:
„We are walking the camino like our son last year..but he told us now, he often took the cab..“
„And than, we were in that village, no alberge, just a little room, next to the church, primitive showers..and we had to pay 2 euros.
So, we complained..and then the preist took our money, spit into his hands and threw it in front of us onto the floor..“
I would have paid, to see such things!
And germans are very noisy..
I don’t like them!
I think, tomorrow, Holly and me, we have to look for better countries on the camino;)


Some Impressions:
Georg and Holly, Danger!Danger! High Voltage!

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