Camino 2010: Barbadelo / O Mosteiro – Gonzar

17. Juli
26.4 km
2 beer+

Under 100km left!
This day was one of my hardest.
The last 8 km were nearly unbearable.
My legs did hurt so much, walking was next to impossible.
But thanks to H and M, I continued the camino.
First time with a walking stick, a bit to short..would be funny, if I get back pain from it:))


The alberge is awesome again, with a bar and everything.
Tonight we had a little part.
Here I met a german guy, who asked me, looking at our colourfull crowd, if we could understand each other..and how..with all those different languages and everyone talking at the same time..
No, we cannot..we just have fun:))
Tomorrow maybe, I just go on without my backpack..In. gave a good feet massage, but I doubt, this would be sufficient
Yes, I’m feeling bad about this..but it’s the only choice I have with my kinda broken legs..
(My log entry for that day is only a few lines long, written in utter pain…)


Some Impressions:
101km, Teddy + Ente 100km, The Original, Breakfast, Portomarin, Party, More Party, 100km, Up and Up

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4 Kommentare zu Camino 2010: Barbadelo / O Mosteiro – Gonzar

  1. Marie sagt:

    De nada, Jorge! It was a good evening, and a good albergue!

  2. isnochys sagt:

    awesome = good, marie:))

  3. kazonga sagt:

    amazing I always thought Camino is about contemplation or so…but the table really speaks its own „contemplative“ language :))


  4. isnochys sagt:

    My first camino was…
    but not my second one

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