Camino 2010: San Xiao do Camino РArz̼a

19. Juli
26 km
2 beer+


Happy Pills!
This day will be remembered as Protein and Drugs Day:))
And me being model again..
on the way to Arzua, one woman asked me, if she can take a foto of my tatoo.
And minutes later, H asked me the same thing..but only becaouse of this huge stone with my cross on top;)
So, I had to plan revenge ..mmuuhhahaha..
Which followed soon..
In Melide .. capital of pulpo.
Octopus, Tintenfisch..
So, our group, 10 people went into a pulpoteria, a restaurant, where this thing is served, and ordered it. tons.
And the camino is the right time to sin.
So did H.
Being a vegetarian, she isn’t used to that amount of proteins, she told us..but she had to eat a lot of pulpo..and drink whine with it. And finished so fast..because she was „full“..yeah, right H!;)
I tasted it last time..and it still isn’t on my list of things I like..I hate the taste, but love the look;)


with enough food and drinks in our stomach, we continued the journey. But I made a little stop at a pharmacia with O.
He told the woman, he needed something against the mosquito bites on his arm.
The woman answered, I couldn’t understand much:
„ mosquito..blabla..camino..blabla“
fleabites :))
The curse of the pilgrim:)
Against my pin in the leg, she gave me an huge pack of Iboprofen 600mg(2€), kinda illegal in germany;)
And O some tiny thing against the bites(6€)
After a lot of alcohol, I started taking my „Happy Pills“
3 times a day
One of the two spanish girls asked, how often I take one..I answered, that I couldn’t understand the lady in the Pharmacia, just something about three..and since then, I took one pill every three minutes:))
She was shoked..A told here, that I did just bite into the pack, without even opening it..
I walked really fast that day..but in Arzua, I was couldn’t party long here…


Some Impressions:
Pulpo Time, Cross, Break, Melidefun, Pulpo

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3 Kommentare zu Camino 2010: San Xiao do Camino РArz̼a

  1. Marie sagt:

    PULPO!!! No tasted.. but tasted the wine.. I’m french! just eat frogs and drink wine!

  2. isnochys sagt:

    but no snails?
    you are so crazy, marie!!


  3. Marie sagt:

    But you like crazy people.. Especially crazy girls.. Oh no, no snails.. It’s so funny a snail.. It’s quiet, tranquilo.. Wine and frog’s legs, I just eat that everyday, with french cheese, the best, that’s all.. Like every french in France.. Do you have frogs in Germany? We need more frogs, we ate the last frogs this morning, it’s important, it’s a our drug..

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