Camino 2010: Santiago – Stuttgart

22./23. Juli
Thousands km
3 beer


I am back home!
This day started so sad.
I had to say goodby to M and H.
I little sigh from me, when I walked out of the door.. and continue my.. camino home.
Santiago is a strange city..full of tourists. some pilgrims..and still a normal business life…
I didn’t meet any known to me pilgrims on the way to the train station..and none on the whole way to stuttgart. Slowly drifting back into normal life. but not yet, there are some stories to tell…


The train went on from Santiago to Hendaye.
70% next to the Camino.
And again sadness..Astorga, Leon, Sahagun, Burgos..
All those names and places I’ve been..
900 km 10h
This is so fast!
And movies on the train.
Night in museum 2 and Did You Hear About the Morgans?
Last one I had to look up on imdb, only remebered Hugh Grant featurering in it.
But most of the time, I just looked out of the window..embracing the country..


Wow, tihs was fast..ok, 1 hour in this little town..ah..a „Bistro“ wow, already in France!
I just love europe!
So is there anything to eat?
No, not those things here..ok, just a beer.
enter: Chinese Couple.
Ordering one of those strange looking „Hamburgers“ and tea.
..I’m nearly finished with my beer?
No, I order another one, this looks funny!
The asian guy standing next to the trash bin..and spitting into it..
Again..and again..and again..and again..
He and his wive don’t like that hamburgeros?:))
The bistro owner tries to calm them down:
„Do you want anything other to eat?“
This is just the perfect scene for my last beer on the camino..
entertain me!
But sadly, we all had to leave, our train is going in some minutes.
And this couple has firt class tickets..
In the train, I shared the cabin with I think a spanish guy..didn’t talk much, just gave this advice:
„Yeah, just put your mochila under the bed, abajo“
ok, this is scary..did I talk this way on the camino all the time?
this would explain a lot, why everybody and nobody did understand me


Next morning in Paris..I bought my first TGV ticket..went to the Louvre by metro..into a bistro and had a nice breakfast there..tried to find some french, in Paris, they look so ugly!
Hurry, train is leaving.
Yes, this is my way of travel.
The TGV is such a awesome train! and so fast!
3.5h later, I was in Stuttgart..making this sad face.
I am home again……

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3 Kommentare zu Camino 2010: Santiago – Stuttgart

  1. Marie sagt:

    TGV!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Tequila-Gin-Vodka!!!!! muy bien!

  2. isnochys sagt:

    It’s so fast:))

  3. Marie sagt:

    I know… 😉

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