
You all know „PiriPiri“.
That famous stuff, that takes at least one organ, if you drink it.
Schnapps and Chili.

But did anybody try to make Whisky with Chili?
Take a cheap catpiss, Glenfiddich or else, and stuff into it 3-5 Chilis.
Wait 4 weeks.
Filter it.
Drink it.

I don’t know, that idea just occured to me.

You could also try ChiliBourbon, with Walker, Beam or Turkey.
Would add a sweet flavor t the Chili.

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3 Kommentare zu ChiliWhisky

  1. floriel sagt:

    Even catpiss is to good to make real “PiriPiri� :-).

  2. isnochys sagt:

    Hard stuff..and I am so tempted..
    Catpiss is a quote from Aberlour

  3. bt42 sagt:

    Habe die Tage den Knob Creek probiert.

    Der wäre was. Hat einen relativ großen Rye-Anteil, was dem Ganzen eine herrliche Frische verleiht.

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