Isnochys Plays crusader Kings 2

And if you want to follow me, just look here:

I have also an After Action Report in my feed, for those of you who don’t want to watch the whole thing..

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Isnochys Plays Europa Universalis

Just a quick update.

I am currently playing Europa Universalis IV.

As Castile

You can watch it here:

7 episodes are out. Livestream is whenever I have time for that. So usually at 4 in the morning


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A good way to start the day:)

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My wife left my, I am all alone with my kid.

Ha, I could say that, but she goes to Paris for medical reasons. Big operation there.

And I am with my parents. So not really that alone:)

But the next week will be busy;)

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The bug is going around.
It did hit our daughter pretty hard, she was home for nearly 3 weeks.
Since Tuesday she is going back to the Kita.
But today, Friday, she has slight temperature and complained about headache.
So, she stays home for the day, have the weekend to get back on track and be at the Kita on Monday.

On other note, we got a Kindergarten spot.
(Die Kaiserin ist da!)

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I took a vacation day yesterday.
Daughter was in the Kita.
Wife was at work.
I had 7 hours of alone time.
9:00 – 16:00 Me time.
That long for the first well..years?
Since 2015, I guess, I’ve never been that long alone at home.
How joyfull it was.
I could watch the Olympics.
but WTF!
Ice Dancing?
Come on!
I wanted curling or something else fun.
Ok I better watch some TV.
Ah, 2 Episodes of „Five Came Back“ and current 6 episodes of „Back“
Oh, what else to watch?
„The Vietnam War“
Incredible insight into that conflict.
And during all that TV watching, I could continue scripting some fun stuff for Steem.

What a day!
But I didn’t play any EUIV, 7 hours is just a too short a time to start a new campaign :))
Maybe next time. I still have some vacation days left until the end of March.

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Eltern Kind e.V. Tag

Today seems to be the day of Eltern Kind initiative.

This is how you get a Kindergarten place here. It is not easy. Seems it was invented be extroverted parents, who didn’t want to miss out their party life, when their kid was going to the Kita.

Anywho, our daughter needs a place I October, so we basically take everything.

And today we looked already into 2 different ones.

That is hard work, just that your kid is kept for some hours per day and not dying.

Most of the time they play with other kids. But as parent you will be member of a club and responsible for cooking, cleaning and club life, organisation stuff.

After a lot of exposure of your private life, it isn’t even sure we will get a place.

Wish us luck. In any direction 🙂

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3x Zoo

3 times a charm?
Well, we went 3 times to the zoo this year already.
If we keep up that pace, we will be around 100 visits at the end of this year:)

But it was so cold last Sunday.
We did the big tour, because Mademoiselle wanted to see the cows. And was half freezing and asleep at the time we arrived there.
The catering at the Wilhelma is really bad currently.
They did change restaurant owners and the new one didn’t move in yet.
Street food only. In the cold.

Next time, we will go in the lower houses only.
Botanical gardens, aquarium, Amazon and insects.

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Plötzlich Feiertag 

I don’t like those sudden public holidays.

Like today. 

Yesterday, Friday, we went shoping, a bit in the evening. I didn’t expect much to. But just overheard a conversation: „we are closed tomorrow, on monday you can pick it up..“ 

Wait? Tomorrow is Saturday, why are they closed?

Damn, 3 Kings.. 

So I talked to my wife :

„action Station, action Station.. We are in full emergency mode, we have a long weekend ahead! Let’s shop for the whole weekend!“

Those holidays always get me by surprise.. 

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I was recently asked, what are my hobbies. But I couldn’t give a definite answer. So here is a list of things I do in my free time:

  • Waking up at 5
  • Taking public transport
  • Food shopping 
  • Parenting
  • Watching 1h of tv

That kind of fills my normal workday, work excluded. 

Weekends are the same, sans working and public transport, just way more parenting. 

I wouldn’t even know where to put a time slot for a cheap hobby. I don’t even know when I played Europa Universalis last. 

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