Archiv der Kategorie: Initializing /dev/chaos

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Namenstag 2021

Same procedure as every year. Names day and day of books and beers. The rest is silence.

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Wilhelma ist geöffnet

After months of closing to the public, the Wilhelma opened its gates again yesterday. Of course I had to go there, see the elefants , lions, penguins, seals and any other animals there 🙂

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Ohne Ofen

For 2 weeks now we don’t have a working oven. This is just weird, as we had pizza every Sunday night. Now we have to plane for that meal, too. And ordering a new oven is no fun. Just expensive … Weiterlesen

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Aktuelle Arbeit

This is where I am currently working. Fixing the maps of my company with all their cables. Stare at maps. Why not combine my hobby and job? And I even have 2 Linux servers to take care of. Kind of … Weiterlesen

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First moon picture with my new telescope. 🙂

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Lockdown Tagesablauf

We are heading towards a second Lockdown here in Germany. Let’s see, what my daily schedule currently looks like. 5:00 – 7:00 walking with baby around the blocks, no contact at all 7:00 – 8:00 commute to work, low contacts … Weiterlesen

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There will be no Christmas markets this year in Germany. At least I got the drink in chocolate form:

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Mond und Venus

This morning, nice moon and venus view on my way to work. You might want to zoom in:

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3 hours. It took me 3 hours to set up this Playmobil hospital. This took me way to long! I am an advanced Lego player, but getting defeated by a 500 pieces Playmobil toy is humiliating. Anyway, it was fun … Weiterlesen

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