Archiv der Kategorie: Initializing /dev/chaos

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Hmm, sorry about that, but nothing happened

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Ist schon Mai?

Wow, that was fast. It is already end of May. Well, according to the weather it could be April or March. At least the heat doesn’t bother us this year yet:)

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Namenstag 2021

Same procedure as every year. Names day and day of books and beers. The rest is silence.

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Wilhelma ist geöffnet

After months of closing to the public, the Wilhelma opened its gates again yesterday. Of course I had to go there, see the elefants , lions, penguins, seals and any other animals there 🙂

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Ohne Ofen

For 2 weeks now we don’t have a working oven. This is just weird, as we had pizza every Sunday night. Now we have to plane for that meal, too. And ordering a new oven is no fun. Just expensive … Weiterlesen

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Aktuelle Arbeit

This is where I am currently working. Fixing the maps of my company with all their cables. Stare at maps. Why not combine my hobby and job? And I even have 2 Linux servers to take care of. Kind of … Weiterlesen

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First moon picture with my new telescope. 🙂

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Lockdown Tagesablauf

We are heading towards a second Lockdown here in Germany. Let’s see, what my daily schedule currently looks like. 5:00 – 7:00 walking with baby around the blocks, no contact at all 7:00 – 8:00 commute to work, low contacts … Weiterlesen

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There will be no Christmas markets this year in Germany. At least I got the drink in chocolate form:

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Mond und Venus

This morning, nice moon and venus view on my way to work. You might want to zoom in:

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